Sivusto ei tue käyttämääsi selainta. Suosittelemme selaimen päivittämistä uudempaan versioon.

Tools for Tutors is a two-year long project (Small-scale partnership), financed by the Erasmus+ program.
Partners: Osuuskunta Opetus ja ohjaus, Finland (coordinator) and Tartu Rahvaülikool, Estonia.

About ToTu

Newly arrived immigrants often do not have suitable education needed in their new country of residence. They often lack digital and language skills, which are crucial, when applying for education.

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The partnership consists of two partners, one from Finland and one from Estonia. Both partners prepare materials for their own, somewhat different target groups.

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The partners produce materials to support language teaching and career counselling.
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Tools for tutors

Tutoring second language learners

The target group of the project are teachers and counsellors working with adult immigrant students. The materials produced will support their work, based on cultural and language awareness.

Contact Us

Need to get in touch with us about the project? Either fill out the form with your inquiry or find our telephone number below.

Contact form


  1. Cooperative teaching and tutoring's (Finland) dissemination seminar

    Held last May 4, 2023 at Helsingin aikuisopisto, Runeberginkatu 22-24,00100 Helsinki. Seminar attended with 18 participants.

  2. Culturally Aware Counseling seminar

    Hybrid (online and face-to-face)-seminar conducted last September 15, 2023. Attended with 8 participants.

  3. Culturally Aware Counseling online-seminar

    Conducted September 21, 2023. Attended with 8 participants.

  4. Project ended October 31, 2023